fiance photos Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:57:18 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 fiance photos 32 32 Engaged to Be Married Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:11:53 +0000 Engaged to Be Married

True love – created with love…

This artwork was brought to life by Lorraine, using pencil and charcoal.

Instead of being just an image sitting on a computer hard drive, this emotive artwork is destined to be displayed on a wall, as a constant reminder of that special moment, when love was new and the future was exciting and full of hope and dreams.

Life for us all is a myriad of challenges, negotiations and compromise. What could be more positive than having an affectionate reminder of why you got together in the first place. Of how you both felt in those early moments of tenderness, and how important it is to keep life pointing in the right direction.

If you know a couple, whether young or not so young, who are deeply in love, you might surprise them with a wonderful reflection of their closeness and intimacy, set in aspic… something to touch hearts and treasure for all time…

Contact Lorraine Hughes by CLICKING HERE and she will help you choose the perfect gift for your favourite loving couple… (and that could be you and your other half!)

Many more possibilities…

Turning photos into memories can be very rewarding. Perhaps you have some photos of a favourite friend or relative.

Let Lorraine turn them into a piece of stunning artwork to display in your home, or to give as a gift, so passing moments will be immortalised to enjoy for all time.

To see more examples CLICK HERE
To learn about pet portraits CLICK HERE
To read about Lorraine Hughes CLICK HERE
To make an enquiry CLICK HERE


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